First of all

The Luna and Stitch plush helps all little ones, even the most reluctant, to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Some children, depending on their age, need a bottle. Others, when sick, need care. Pink Noise will help them fall back to sleep because they will feel safe and calm. We recommend consulting a doctor to check if, for example, the night bottle is essential, because rest assured, they will fall asleep with the Luna and Stitch plush.

What if my child already has a comforter?

For children – If your child already has a comforter, there will be an adaptation period for them to accept the new plush. Play Pink Noise during a calm moment, such as evening reading, a cuddle after the bath, or when they wake up. If you’re used to helping your child fall back asleep at night, do so while playing Pink Noise. On average, children will want to sleep with the Luna and Stitch plush after 2 to 3 days.
For babies – Generally, babies accept the Luna and Stitch plush on the first night. Feel free to check out the article on Pink Noise to understand why.
If not, play Pink Noise in the evening during the bedtime routine. Doing this for 2 to 3 days will help babies adapt to the Luna and Stitch plush and fall asleep on their own.

What if my child wakes up several times during the night?

If your child wakes up multiple times during the night, it will take a small adjustment period of about a week for them to get used to the new plush.
It’s recommended to keep the same habits, playing Luna and Stitch's pink noise while helping them fall back asleep.
On average, a week is needed for your child to fall asleep on their own with their new plush, allowing you to finally sleep through the night.

What if my child sleeps with me, how do I handle it?

In this case, the adjustment is easier since you’re present with them.
As soon as you receive the Luna and Stitch plush, avoid going to bed at the same time, but allow your child to sleep in your bed. Set up a bedtime routine, such as reading a book. During this calm moment, turn on the Pink Noise and use the built-in nightlight.
Once this moment is over, leave the room, turning off the Luna and Stitch nightlight (if your child is afraid of the dark, leave the nightlight on and suggest they turn it off themselves).
If your child wakes up at night due to a night terror or something else, the Pink Noise along with your cuddle will help them associate the sounds with your comforting hug.
Repeat the bedtime routine for a week, and after that, do the same routine, but this time in their own bed. The Luna and Stitch plush will take over, and all you have to do is enjoy a full night’s sleep!